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Have you ever been to Spain? 

I haven’t but plan to go soon!  I love historical fiction and Stolen Lives by Joyce Yarrow was exactly what I needed!  This is only the...

If you’ve been following us for awhile

then you know that we consume as many WWII books as we can. In all the books that I’ve read in this era I have never read a book solely...

What book would make a great movie? 

Universe of Lost Messages by Janet Stilson is the second book of The Charismites series and the entire time I was reading this, I knew it...

Are you a Marilyn Monroe fan? 

I’ve always found her to be fascinating and read many books about her! Lake County by Lori Rory really surprised me! It’s set in a small...

Has summer weather started yet?

In the PNW, it’s still cold and rainy, hoping for some sun soon! The House is on Fire! By Rachel Beanland is a must read work of...

Do you live close to the water? 

We live in the Seatle area, and the Puget Sound is everywhere.  We can’t drive more than 10 minutes without seeing the water or needing a...

Did you watch Pitch Perfect?

I loved this entertaining musical!  The popular songs and hilarious characters, it never gets old!  While many people loved the main...

Thank you so much @harpermusebooks

for sending us What The Mountains Remember by Joy Callaway! I absolutely loved this story and after finishing it, immediately started...

We love books based in our beloved PNW!

Leaning on Air by Cheryl Grey Bostrom is set in an absolute gorgeous area of our home state of Washington and we can’t wait to read it!...

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