This month has completely flown by for me, and I’m behind on my reading, but I should have some extra time this weekend to catch up! AND to start these wonderful books!
Thank you to the tagged authors, publishers, and tour groups for these gifted books!
We hope you’re reading a page turner that keeps you up at night!
THE CHEMISTRY OF LOVE by Sariah Wilson @tclbooktours @sariahwilson411 “True love requires a little research and development in a funny, heart-racing romance.” Publish date: 2/1/23
DISSONANCE by Jon Kaledin @wratchetwriter_ @jonkaledinauthor @paperbackpress “…a suspenseful thriller with an end the reader will not expect." Publish date: 6/6/2022
WHAT HAPPENS NEXT by Christina Suzann Nelson @tlcbooktours @christinasuzann @bethanyhousefiction “Journey of discovery, healing, and friendship in this suspenseful and poignant tale.” Publish date: 1/17/23
THE WEEKLY PUPROSE PROJECT by Zondervan @tlcbooktours @zondervan “A Challenge to Journal, Reflect, and Pursue Purpose.” Publish date: 11/15/22
