The Girls of the Glimmer Factory by Jennifer Coburn is touching and heartbreaking, as all books revolving around the Holocaust are.
We revisit Hilde, a character in The Cradles of the Reich, and meet inspiring Hannah and her friends. Hilde and Hannah were childhood best friends before Germany turned on the Jewish people. Hilde is loyal to the Reich through and through. Hannah is a young girl who missed her opportunity to escape to Palestine when she came down with smallpox. As she navigates her new life as a prisoner in Theresienstadt, Hilde tries to climb the Nazi ladder. When they surprisingly see each other at the camp, they each wonder how they can use the other for their benefit. Hilde wants to further her career, Hannah has an agenda of her own.
Thank you so much @sourcebooks for gifting us this amazing book! It just published January 28 so please go get your copy asap!
