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How are you beating the heat?

We are having some of our hottest temperatures this year, but we are surrounded by water! So we have lots of places to get relief.

Hope you are able to cool off a little and grab a good book! Thank you to the tagged authors, publishers, and tour groups for these gifted books! We hope you’re reading a page turner that keeps you up at night!

A MERRY LIFE by Sarah Branson @katerockbooktours @author_sarah_branson Publish date: 4/8/22

ALL THE DIRTY SECRETS by Aggie Blum Thompson @tclbooktours @aggie.blum.thompson @forgereads Publish date: 7/12/22

HER TRUE WORTH by Brittany Maher and Cassandra Speer @brittmaher @tlcbooktours @thomasnelson @hertrueworth @cassandralspeer @nelsonbooks Publish date: 7/5/22

MIRANDA WRITES by Gail Ward Olmstead @katerockbooktours @blackrosewriting Publish date: 9/8/22

THE RETREAT by Sarah Pearse @sarahpearseauthor @vikingbooks @pameladormanbooks “Detective Elin Warner uncovers the truth behind the suspicious deaths on a stunning island getaway.” Publish date: 7/19/22

ONCE IN A PINK MOON by Luanne C. Brown @katerockbooktours @luanne_c._brown @sequoiagrovebooks “A contemporary retelling of the frog prince tale—twisted inside out.” Publish date: 4/19/22

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