Are you getting sunshine yet?
We had a few days of beautiful weather, but we are right back to typical Seattle springtime, lots of rain and gray skies.
This wonderful book mail helps brighten our day!
Thank you to the tagged authors, publishers, and tour groups for these gifted books! We hope you’re reading a page turner that keeps you up at night!
THE SWINDLER’S DAUGHTER by Stephenia H McGee @tlcbooktours @revellfiction @stepheniahmcgee Available on: 5/2/23!
THE BETTER HALF by Alli Frank and Asha Youmans @mbc_books @alliandasha @mindykaling Available on: 7/1/23!
VIVIANA VALENTINE GOES UP THE RIVER by Emily J Edwards @katerockbooktours @msemilyedwards @crookedlanebooks Available on: 5/2/23!
IN SEARCH OF PERFUMES by Dominique Roques @harperviabooks @harpercollins Available on: 5/2/23!
MID-FLIGHT by Lisa Wilkes @travelisa1984 Publish date: 3/30/23
