It’s got it all… dismembered body parts, shark attacks, office rivalries, arson… the possibilities of suspects are quite vast at first!
The story starts off when a young mother finds a severed human finger among her child’s beach treasures… then a call comes in reporting a severed foot on another beach. When a necropsy is performed on a murdered great white shark reveals part of a human torso, all bets are off. Detectives Hennessey and Lipman are trying to determine if all parts belong to the same body and if they have either a tragic shark attack on their hands or a cleverly disguised murder… You’ll have to read it to find out! Good news too, this is available on Kindle Unlimited for your reading pleasure! If you don’t have KU then feel free to visit our Amazon Storefront where we have all of our featured books available!
Thank you @wratchetwriter_ for sending us this book! I read this in a few hrs and it’s perfect for a lazy afternoon…but probably not a good beach read, if you know what I mean
