Our book club is getting together after work to watch this tonight! We have very high but nervous hopes that we will love it!
We have some amazing book mail and we are super excited about these books!
Thank you to the tagged authors, publishers, and tour groups for these gifted books! We hope you’re reading a page turner that keeps you up at night!
ALL THE BROKEN GIRLS by Linda Hurtado Bond @tlcbooktours @authorlindahurtadobond @entangled_publishing Publish date: 8/23/22
THE PHONE CALL by AJ Campbell @ajcampbellauthor “Sometimes the guilty are innocent” Publish date: 6/25/22
THE FAMILY COMPOUND by Liz Parker @otrpr @lakeunionauthors @amazonpublishling Publish date: 8/23/22
ELSEWHERE by Alexis Schaitkin @celadonbooks @alexisschaitkin Publish date: 6/28/22
BOOKISH PEOPLE By Susan Coll @tlcbooktours @harpermusebooks Publish date: 8/2/22
THE RIGHT KIND OF UNEXPECTED by Rayna York @rayna.york Publish date: 6/18/22
THE GIRLS IN QUEENS by Christine Kandic Torres @harperviabooks @harpercollins @christinekandictorres Publish date: 6/14/22