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Are you a plant person?

I’ve always wanted to be, but I cannot seem to keep a plant alive!

THE HALF-LIFE OF RUBY FIELDING by Lydia Kang is a unique story set in New York during World War 2. This story has a few main characters and I appreciate that @lydiakang lets us see different perspectives.

Will and Maggie find a strange woman on their doorstep, they immediately think they should call the police, but Ruby Fielding somehow talks them out of it and changes their lives forever.

Ruby has a strange talent of growing and using poisonous plants, there is some suspicion about why she would choose to do this.

I was intrigued and confused for a lot of this book, but it all wraps up nicely with a couple twists too! Thank you @lydiakang for this ARC, I’ve adored so many of your books and I loved reading this one too!

THE HALF-LIFE OF RUBY FIELDING publishes today and you can find this on our Amazon Storefront!

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